Our Wild Family

Our story begins with a Maine sunset…
Fields Fields Blueberries was founded by a sunset chaser. Eliot Field lived in Wiscasset and worked in Augusta and was always looking for the backroad to take to and from work. Eliot loved sunsets so naturally his favorite back way was right over the top of Blinn Hill. He would time his commute so he would be driving over the hill precisely at sunset. One day he asked the landowner if she was interested in selling her hilltop piece of heaven and she sold it to him (his warm genuine smile is quite irresistible). Eliot got his dream view and it even came with a bonus:
a wild blueberry field!

Meet Ashley, Jesse, Stella & Alakai
Along with our senior advisors, Taffy and Eliot, & furry friends, Finny and Cypress,
we make up the Field family.

Meet Ashley! Ashley (Mash to some, Shaweetie to one) grew up on an organic dairy farm in western Maine and showed dairy and beef cows as well as sheep. She was very involved in 4-H and traveled all around the country and parts of Canada to show cows. Ashley has always been a wild foods and nature lover and learned from her grandmother the magic of wild blueberries. Now Ashley gets to share that magic with her family and the world!

Meet Jesse! The master of the blueberry fields. Jesse splits his time between being an awesome dad, a skilled commercial fisherman, and a passionate wild blueberry farmer. He is a foodie and a great cook and he makes sure everyone in the family is well fed with organic local foods. He has a knack for making everyone smile while always getting the job done. Jesse has lived on this blueberry farm for his entire life and he is extremely knowledgeable about the land and its history and about wild blueberries.
Meet Stella Maris! She is passionate, intelligent, brave, loves anything to do with the water and is the number one fan of Ama's famous wild blueberry crisp. You'll find her cruising around the farm listening to an audiobook, whittling something out of wood, knitting a masterpiece, or climbing in the apple trees. She is an Earth lover and is constantly learning about the wild plants that surround her so she can make herbal remedies. She truly is the magical mermaid of our family ♡
Alakai is our firey comedian! He loves adventuring around the farm, cracking jokes, mowing on the tractor, and eating an endless amount of wild blueberries. His favorite outfit is a berry stained face and no pants. This little guy knows how to get a job done and have a bunch of fun doing it.

Introducing Ama (some may know her as Taffy or even Catherine) the glue to the Field family. Ama is a do it all and do it well kind of woman. She is intellectual, tenacious, generous, hard working and family oriented. She keeps the wheels on the bus while making everyone feel loved and a part of the team. When it comes to blueberry farming you'll see Ama out shlepping boxes of blueberries (the grunt work), weeding birch trees (more grunt work), making lunch and then finding the energy to take late night full moon runs to the processing facility just to keep the driver awake. She wins the grandmother of the year award even with children who aren't her grandchildren. Most importantly though, Ama is the warm heart to this family and with her leading the way, we are always held together.

If you have ever been around Eliot (or to many, Opah) you can't help but to share in his wonder for the Earth. Eliot was the founding father of Fields Fields and it was his love for a breathtaking sunset that brought him to Blinn Hill. If you stop by the farm you won't miss his beaming smile and willingness to show you around. You'll be amazed at his photographic memory and attention to detail as he probably will know more about your family history than you do. Once a lawyer, now a full time grandfather and lover of the natural world, Opah embraces the beauty of life like no other.
Our mission is to share the magic of wild blueberries and inspire people to STAY WILD & connected to the land.