What Exactly is a Tincture?


How I came to learn about tinctures?

I had heard the term tincture thrown around a lot before I actually knew what it was. And to be honest, I am still learning. I always try to support and promote health in my body in the most natural way possible. I had often been recommended certain tinctures and herbs for different things that were going on with my health, but I just trusted the professional, lifted up my tongue and expressed gratitude to whatever magic was being absorbed into my body. 

When I started to learn about the new research coming out about health benefits of wild blueberry leaves, I knew I needed to dive in and learn as much as I could about the ways to use this medicinal plant. Using it as a tea was the obvious choice. It tasted great, was very safe and had a long list of health benefits, but I was curious about other ways to use the plant.

What exactly is a tincture?

We had a group of Chinese doctors come to visit our farm to get up close and personal with the wild blueberry plants. One of the doctors asked if I had ever made tincture with the leaves. She explained to me that a tincture is a herbal extract that pulls out the active ingredients in the plant, concentrating them in a liquid. Taking a tincture gives you a superpowered dose of that plants medicine. It’s magic in a bottle. 

Our tincture story:

That fall we began our first leaf harvest. We waited until the leaves turned crimson red, which told us that the maximum amount of anthocyanins were in the leaves. We hand harvest them, making sure we only take a small amount from each area. We don’t know the research, but I am sure there is some sort of symbiotic relationship between the leaves and the soil and I don’t want to disrupt that. Harvesting leaves is a very slow process, which is wonderful and in alignment with the slowing down with fall. It really gives us a chance to be with the plants and appreciate their gifts. The berry harvest often feels like a race with long hours of manual labor. We are propelled with that fiery energy of summer, where work and production is in full force. When we slow down and harvest the leaves, we are able to be in a space of full gratitude and wonder. 

I am a firm believer that the energy we put into harvesting also goes into the tincture. There is still a lot of research to be done on this magical medicinal plant, but judging from the anecdotal evidence we may never know on a scientific level its full power. And isn’t that part of the beauty?

How do you use a tincture?

The best way to use a tincture is to put it under your tongue with the dropper. When tincture is taken this way the arterial blood supply under the tongue absorbs the tincture rapidly. Hold the liquid under your tongue for a few seconds then swallow. Swish with water to remove the alcohol taste. If you’re like me and really don't like the taste of alcohol, you can put your tincture in hot water to evaporate the alcohol. My favorite is to add my tincture to a cup of hot water and then add a spoonful of wild blueberry powder and a spoonful of honey. 

So why add wild blueberry leaf tincture to your daily health routine? 

Many studies have shown that wild blueberry leaves are actually quite a bit more potent than the berries themselves. One study shows the leaves containing 20 times the antioxidants as the berries. Below are just a few of the many health benefits. Anyone can benefit from adding this superhero plant to their diet. 

  • Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes 

  • Helps regulate hormones

  • High levels of antioxidants 

  • Contain gallic acid which is a natural anti-inflammatory 

  • Increased blood vessel health

  • Increased cognitive function

  • Improves mood

  • Immune booster

You really can't go wrong with this potent wild plant in regard to improving your health. I am wowed everyday by the power of wild blueberries and wild blueberry leaves. It’s an energy you can just feel and why so many people are drawn to seek it out. Please visit our farm store for many products that will start adding more wild to your day.


Wild Blueberries Can Literally Make You HAPPY