Heavy Metal Detox


Medical Mediums Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie


2 bananas

2 cups of wild blueberries or 8 tbsp of wild blueberry powder

1 cup cilantro

1 cup orange juice

1 tsp barley grass juice powder

1 tsp spirulina

1 small handful of Atlantic dulse


In a high speed blender, blend all ingredients until smooth. If a thinner consistency is desired, add up to 1 cup of water. 


“Heavy metal detox” seems to be buzzing around the holistic health world lately. Let’s take a look at why heavy metals are getting a lot of attention these days. 

Heavy metals are metallic chemical elements such as mercury, arsenic and lead. These elements can be very toxic in the human body, even at very low concentrations and we can be exposed to them through food, water, air, and commercial products. Heavy metals are everywhere from aluminum cans, to batteries, metal cookware, old paint and non organic food. It seems like more and more products that we once thought were safe we are now realizing that they contain unsafe amounts of heavy metals. Many of these products we give to our children like fruit juice and vaccines. Heavy metals also serve as a source of food for viruses, bacteria, parasites and other pathogens in our body. So as we are all trying to build and support our immune systems, removing the heavy metals is a big piece of the puzzle!

So what happens when we have too many heavy metals in our bodies? Well, sometimes the symptoms can be very mild from diarrhea and vomiting to tingling in your hands and feet. We can experience brain fog, memory loss, fatigue and depression. Of course when full on heavy metal poisoning is present in the body, brain damage and other very serious illnesses can occur. 

If you live or have lived in a city or near a mining site or a non organic farm or even eat a lot of fish, you probably are walking around with too many heavy metals in your body. 

So shouldn’t we all be doing a heavy metal detox? The answer is probably yes. Or at least support our bodies in removing those heavy metals on a semi regular basis. A simple smoothie (see our favorite recipe below) with the right ingredients could be extremely effective. Foods like spirulina, cilantro, wild blueberries and Atlantic dulse are superheroes in removing heavy metals. Too busy to make a smoothie everyday? Try wild blueberry leaf tincture (just put a few drops under your tongue and go) or sprinkle wild blueberry power on your yogurt in the morning. You can add heavy metal removing foods to almost every meal. Add cilantro or dried Atlantic dulse to your salad at lunch and put some frozen wild blueberries in your rose after work. Who knew happy hour could be included in your daily health routine? 

So should we be concerned about all this fuss on heavy metals? Yes. But, the good news is, it’s easy to support our bodies in removing them. Just focusing on choosing organic food when possible, avoiding commercial products that we know contain heavy metals, and supplementing our diet with foods that help remove heavy metals will keep our bodies healthy and functioning at their highest potential. 


Wild vs. Cultivated